Every time you communicate, you can make a positive impact by crafting
words that welcome,
stories that connect,
and content that works better for everyone. 
Content that works better for everyone
What Bold Type is

Bold Type is a 12-week programme to help you

  • learn everything you need to get clear on inclusive language and accessibility,

  • confidently speak up about the topics that matter, 

  • turn communication challenges into opportunities for connection, 

  • develop practical skills for creating accessible content, 

  • be the best communicator you can be, and spread that knowledge to the people around you.

Each week, you’ll get new ideas and tools, create your own personalised resources to guide you in the future, and learn together through Q&A and co-working sessions.

All our sessions happen online on Zoom.

Who Bold Type is for

Anyone who communicates.

  • Do you write emails and instant messages?
  • Send out reports?
  • Create social media posts? 
  • Present ideas to colleagues, lead meetings or facilitate workshops?

Whether you're communicating to 5 colleagues in your office or 5000 people over social media, Bold Type can support you to become more inclusive and accessible, every time you do. 

What the course covers

Let’s start with what you won’t get. You won’t get:

  • Judgement. I’m just not interested in shaming anybody; we’re all here to grow and develop, not to point fingers. Yes you’ll be challenged, but you’ll also be championed, supported and celebrated. 

  • Oversimplification. Inclusive and accessible communication is nuanced and we won’t hide from its complexity.

  • A one-size-fits-all approach. (There isn’t one. We’'ll figure out your specific communication challenges and find what works for you).

Here’s what you do get

  • You'll have me, Ettie, as your facilitator and learning partner

  • A community of motivated and passionate communicators learning alongside you, for 3 months

  • Live masterclass sessions (plus recordings if you can't join live)

  • Exclusive access to a library of resources that I’ve curated (so you don’t have to trawl the internet looking for them)

  • Lifetime support afterwards, through our private Slack community. 

Want to hear from someone who's joined Bold Type before? 

Lienkie joined the last Bold Type cohort, and she shares her perspectives on the course in this video testimonial.  

You know what really helps?

  • a guide who has years of hands-on experience, who can demonstrate inclusive writing techniques, and is constantly learning about the latest developments in accessible communication.

  • a supportive community of fellow communicators cheering you on and sharing their own inclusive writing journeys.

  • regular practice sessions where you can apply what you've learned, get constructive feedback, and refine your skills.

Being part of a community that’s all going on a learning journey can feel amazing. There’s a collective energy that brings support, positivity, motivation and accountability. And you can’t get that from solo Google searches or occasional workshops. You need to practice these skills regularly. 

Write, reflect on feedback, revise, repeat. And you need to learn from people with different perspectives from your own. People of different ages, classes, disabilities, genders, races, sexual orientations and so much more.

This way, you can communicate confidently and authentically. And that's exactly what my 12-week interactive course Bold Type helps you do.


See what previous Bold Types and other lovely folks have to say about working with me.

The specifics

When Bold Type is

We meet every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm, starting on Tuesday 24 September and ending on Tuesday 10 December.

Session 1: Tuesday 24 September

Session 12: Tuesday 10 December

How long sessions are

Sessions are every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm. 

 (Confusingly, the UK clocks will change during the time that we meet! You won’t need to think about time zones because all the calendar invites will go into your calendar at the correct time.

So sessions will always be from 10am to 12pm UK time. 

That will be 10am to 12pm BST during September and October, then 10am to 12pm GMT during November and December.

How much time you’ll need

You'll need about 3 to 4 hours per week, including watching pre-recorded videos, attending live sessions, and completing exercises. 

You should aim to join all sessions live, but of course life happens. If you can’t join a live session, don’t worry! 

All Zoom sessions are recorded.

What happens after the course

Throughout the course, you’ll be part of a Slack community. 

You'll have one private Slack community that's just for you and your coursemates.

You'll also have access to the broader Bold Type community, which is for everyone who is currently or has previously been on the course.
It’s amazing to see how connected and supportive people already are in this space! 

People are sharing questions, tips, feedback and offers of support with each other already. I can’t wait to see how it grows.

As part of the Slack community, you’ll get access to: 
  •  exclusive resources (including a resources library with practical guidance on a massive range of topics)
  • support from your fellow learners, and
  • 1:1 support from me. 


Employer-funded places 

If your employer is paying for your place on the course (12 weeks of teaching plus lifetime access to the Bold Type community) it's £3,000. 

There's a group discount for any organisation sending more than 1 person. 

If you'd like to send more than 1 person on the course, send us an email on hello@fightingtalk.uk. Let us know how many people you're planning to send, and we'd be delighted to apply a group discount.

Charity places

Charity places are "pay what you can."

Email hello@fightingtalk.uk to apply for a charity place.

Suggested amounts:
  • Micro charities: £500
  • Small and medium-sized charities: £1000
  • Large charities: £2000

Solidarity places

If you don't have access to employer funding and you can't afford a place on the course, you can apply for a free place.

To apply for a free or reduced-price place on the course, email: hello@FightingTalk.uk with “Solidarity place” in the subject line. 

Briefly describe who you are, what your work is, and any reasons you need a solidarity place.

Please only share what you're comfortable with and please don’t share anything that would be traumatic for you to share, or information that might put you at risk. 

Aim for 50 to 100 words, although of course if you need longer then go for it. 

The majority of free places will go to people who are under-invested in, including: 
  • Black people, 
  • people of the Global Majority, 
  • disabled and neurodivergent people, 
  • LGBTQIA+ individuals, 
  • women and anyone who’s marginalised for their gender.

It’s amazing to see how connected and supportive people already are in the Bold Type community! I can’t wait to see you there!

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Split pay (6x £500.00)6x £500.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x £1000.00)3x £1000.00
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (£3000.00)£3000.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xBold Type£0

All prices in GBP